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Wed, May 27, 20.

Summary of Zechariah & The Yahweh's Angel

We can summarize Zechariah’s prophecy as a revelation of God’s plan for his city and people and the nations and the involvement of the Angel of Yahweh, in it all.

God’s Plan Concerning Jerusalem and Judah

Zechariah’s prophecy is about

  1. The plan of God for Jerusalem and Judah and Israel
    1. To banish sin from their land (without which there can be no peace)
    2. To come and live among them and
    3. To give them everlasting peace


  2. His planned punishment of the nations that have plundered them
  3. And the adoption of those nations as his people (which will result in peace for Jerusalem and Judah).

The Angel of Yahweh in Zechariah’s Prophecy

It is important to realize that Zechariah’s prophecy shows us the involvement of the Angel of Yahweh in all of this from inception to completion.

It must be noted that the revelation started with and was all in response to the intercession of the Angel of Yahweh. We learn from Zechariah that the Angel of Yahweh

  1. Initiated the revelation of this plan of God and
  2. Is actively involved in the fulfillment of these purposes of God
  3. His active involvement can be seen in
    1. His contention against Satan, ensuring the restoration of the priesthood and in
    2. The fact that when the time comes, the Angel of Yahweh—who is Yahweh and God himself, God’s companion, God’s Shepherd—as representing Yahweh God
      1. Will fight for God’s people and
      2. Will live among them
  4. The Angel of  Yahweh demonstrates great and sincere concern for Jerusalem and Judah and Israel and so
    1. Intercedes for them
    2. Atones for them and
    3. Fights for them

Recognizing the Place of The Angel of Yahweh in Zechariah

The place of the Angel of Yahweh in Zechariah’s prophecy—his words, actions and roles—is easier to see in the first part of Zechariah because the Angel is described as “the Angel of Yahweh” and so it is easier to see when he is speaking or acting.

However, without clear knowledge of the relationship of the Angel of Yahweh to Yahweh God, the Patriarchs, and the people of Israel as contained in Scriptures, it becomes hard to see the Angel’s role in the second half of the book.

To see these things, one has to know, as established in Scriptures and revelations before Zechariah, that,

  1. The Angel of Yahweh is himself called and worshiped as “Yahweh” and “God”
  2. Is God’s representative, at the very least, to Israel.
  3. He is the Shepherd of the people of Israel, being Jacob’s Shepherd appointed by God, the one to whom God committed the people of Israel.
  4. He acts for and as God in certain matters. For example, when we read of Yahweh going out to war in Scriptures it is often the Angel of Yahweh fighting for God. For example, in Egypt, the wilderness and in the conquest of Canaan under Joshua, though we read that Yahweh fought for or delivered Israel, it was through the Angel of Yahweh that Yahweh did it.
  5. Although any angel of God can be called an angel of Yahweh, the above facts are only true of one Angel of Yahweh—it is not all angels that are Jacob’s Shepherd, nor is it all angels that bear the Name “Yahweh” and “God”, but just this One.